Nature Specimen Cards
Hallo Ihr Lieben, heute habe ich ein Set Mixed Media Specimen Cards für Euch gebastelt. Sie könnten als Motiv auf Karten oder ATC’s aufgeklebt werden, als Deko in Journals verwendet, oder wie bei mir, einfach in eine kleine Box gesteckt…
Happy 2025
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Merry Christmas! Welcome back to another mixed media project. For today, I prepared a festive Art Journal project. We are now between Christmas and New Year so I just combined the…
Family Ghosts
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. This will be my last Halloween project for Stamping Fairies, for this year. I created a page which resembles a wall of family portraits…
Wicked and Bewitch
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. It is a Tag week this time. I made two Halloween Tags. Parts of this project are inspired by Alison Bomber’s work. Let’s start…
Halloween at Hogwarts
Hallo liebe Kreative! Schon als ich die Stanzform Halloween Night von Tim Holtz das erste Mal gesehen habe, dachte ich an die drei Hauptfiguren aus Harry Potter. Nun komme ich endlich dazu, damit ein Projekt zu gestalten. Die Curio Clock von Tim…
From Regions Beyond
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. For today’s project, I prepared a haunted room scene. This is a project that evolved through several weeks. Let’s start with the materials I…
Be Thankful
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. Do you want to know how to make a Thanksgiving project without specific Thanksgiving products? Well, that is exactly what I am going to…
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. Mother’s Day is around the corner, so I decided to prepare a project based on this theme. I used photos of two of my…
Lucky to be different
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. For today, I prepared a fun project, always taking our Challenge theme under consideration, which is Spring. Let’s start with the materials I used:…
The Extraordinary
*German version below | Deutsche Version unten* Hello everyone! Welcome back to another mixed media project. For today, I prepared a scrapbook page. I was thinking of Spring and I wanted to use butterflies. I also have a lovely Magnolia…